About Goddess Touch

Combining tantric philosophy, massage, and other somatic modalities, my Goddess Touch practice is based on celebration, rather than judgment. For the last 12 years I’ve helped individuals across the gender spectrum to honor their body as a temple and to develop a blissful and ecstatic union between their thoughts, sensuality, and physicality (aka, their body, mind, and soul).

Tantra means 'to weave.’ For me, this represents the weaving of the heart energy (representing love, forgiveness, and compassion) with the sexual life force energy (the most powerful energy there is, manifested through desire, creativity, and of course orgasm). We all have a desire for a connection between our heart and our sexual life force, but for many those two energies have become estranged from one another. As we work together towards your own autonomous healing, we’ll also work to reclaim your relationship to both of these dualities and bring them together into a personally satisfying union.

Through this process, you can have the best love life beyond your wildest imaginings and a rock’n sex life that stays alive and awakened forever. . . and develop all the skills and self-awareness to get there. Are you ready to do the work and play more?

For a list of all my offerings, including relationship & sex coaching and healing massage, check out my services.
